The Meat Industry Attacks Veganism, Often With Incredibly Poor Logic 8:18 pm on April 18, 2024

The text is a blog post by Craig Shields discussing the meat industry's criticisms of veganism and the realities of factory farming. He argues that while eating meat from contented livestock raised on vast pastures doesn't bother him, the issue lies with the 97% of beef coming from animals with miserable lives due to cost-effectiveness in factory farming.

  • The blog post discusses the meat industry's criticisms of veganism
  • Craig argues that most beef comes from factory farms where animals live miserably
  • He admits that eating meat from contented livestock raised on pastures doesn't bother him
  • The cost-effectiveness of raising and slaughtering animals packed together is the issue
  • The post emphasizes that understanding voters is crucial when addressing issues like meat consumption and sustainability
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