The Hydrogen Stream: Engie Confirms Termination Of H2sines.rdam Project

Engie has told <b>pv magazine</b> that the developers of the H2Sines.Rdam installation have decided to terminate the project to produce hydrogen in Portugal and send it to the Netherlands, while Fortescue said it has opened an electrolyzer production facility in Australia.
PV Magazine International 3:53 pm on April 12, 2024

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Engie has terminated the H2Sines.Rdam green hydrogen project in Portugal due to insufficient infrastructure and immature market. Fortescue has opened an electrolyzer manufacturing facility in Australia with a capacity to produce over 2 GW of PEM electrolyzer stacks annually. CP Group and Fortescue Energy plan to supply green hydrogen, ammonia, and fertilizer to international markets, potentially developing manufacturing facilities and an R&D hub in Morocco. Singulus launched new PVD coating systems for fuel cells and PEM electrolyzer components. Enapter recorded a significant increase in orders for its electrolyzers, with most coming from Europe and the United States.

  • Engie terminated the H2Sines.Rdam hydrogen project in Portugal due to market immaturity and insufficient infrastructure
  • Fortescue opened a 1,000-sqm electrolyzer manufacturing facility in Australia with a capacity of over 2 GW annual production
  • CP Group and Fortescue Energy plan to supply green hydrogen, ammonia, and fertilizer to international markets
  • Singulus launched new PVD coating systems for fuel cells and electrolyzers
  • Enapter recorded a significant increase in orders for its electrolyzers from Europe and the United States

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