Tesla Spent $200,000 to Advertise on Elon Musk’s X So Far

Tesla confirmed that it spent $200,000 to advertise on Elon Musk’s X, formerly Twitter, so far. For years, Musk has...
Electrek 9:22 pm on April 17, 2024

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Tesla spent $20,000 to advertise on Elon Musk's X, formerly Twitter, revealing a change in Musk's stance against advertising despite his previous dislike for it. The CEO announced Tesla would start advertising after acquiring Twitte and becoming reliant on its revenue. Some speculated this could be a way for Musk to transfer funds from Tesla to Twitte. Tesla had previously avoided advertising on X due to potential conflict of interest and preaching to the choir.

  • Tesla spent $20,000 to advertise on Elon Musk's Twitter, formerly X
  • Musk previously disliked advertising but changed stance after acquiring Twitte
  • Some speculated this could be a way for Musk to transfer funds from Tesla to Twitte
  • Tesla had avoided advertising on X due to potential conflict of interest and preaching to the choir
  • The transactions between Tesla and X are being investigated for potential legal issues


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