2023 Was a Record Year for Wind Power Growth in Numbers

The global wind industry installed 117 GW of new capacity in 2023, making it the best year ever for new wind energy - here's what happened.
Electrek 9:22 pm on April 17, 2024

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The Global Wind Report 2023 revealed that the wind industry installed a record-breaking 117 GW of new capacity, marking a 50% year-over-year increase. China led with 75 GW installations, followed by the US, Brazil, and India. Onshore wind surpassed 100 GW in a single year, while offshore wind had its second-best year on record. The industry's growth forecast for 2024-2030 was revised upwards due to accelerated growth.

  • Global wind capacity grew by 117 GW in 2023, a 50% increase from the previous year.
  • China led with 75 GW of new installations, followed by the US, Brazil, and India.
  • Onshore wind surpassed 100 GW in a single year, while offshore wind had its second-best year on record.
  • Industry growth forecast for 2024-2030 was revised upwards due to accelerated industry growth.
  • Many countries need to remove barriers and improve market frameworks to scale up wind installations.


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