Tesla Now Spends Ad Money to Influence Shareholders Approval Of Elon Musk's $55b Payday

Tesla has now disclosed that it is spending money to promote its shareholders vote to approve of Elon Musk’s $55..Tesla has now disclosed that it is spending money to promote its shareholders vote to approve of Elon Musk’s $55...
Electrek 9:38 pm on May 13, 2024

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** Tesla, amidst controversy over its $55 billion CEO pay plan approved by shareholders in 2018, now spends ad money to influence a subsequent vote. The company faces accusations of misrepresentation and governance issues while promoting the move to Texas state incorporation alongside Elon Musk's compensation package for approval.

  • Elon Musk Compensation Controversy: Tesla seeks shareholder approval for a disputed $55 billion pay plan amid governance issues.
  • Advertising Spend: Tesla spends on advertisements, including promotional content by Elon Musk, to influence vote outcomes.
  • Shareholder Vote: Shareholders have until June 13th for their vote, with ads in place to sway their decisions on related corporate moves.
  • Legal Challenges and Compensation Plans: A judge ruled previously that the compensation plan was negotiated improperly.
  • Company Response: Tesla's board is actively engaging in promoting its initiatives despite past judicial scrutiny.
  • Elon Musk Compensation Controversy:
  • Advertising Spend to Influence Votes:
  • Shareholder Voting on Corporate Decisions:
  • Legal Challenges Impacting Tesla's Governance:
  • Tesla Board Engages in Proactive Promotion Amidst Legal Scrutiny:


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