Subaru, Toyota Join Forces on 3 New Electric Suvs Citing a ‘huge Risk' Of Building Evs Alone

Electrek 9:37 pm on May 13, 2024

Subaru and Toyota have formed an alliance to build three new electric vehicles (EVs), citing the substantial risk of going solo in this venture. Subaru's EV sales are currently minimal, but with plans to expand their hybrid lineup alongside partnering for jointly developed EVs, they aim for significant growth by 2030.

  • Subaru and Toyota collaboration: The automakers have joined forces to develop three new electric vehicles to mitigate risks associated with solo endeavors in the electric vehicle market.
  • Current EV sales figures for Subaru: A mere 1,000 units of their sole all-electric model, the Solterra, were sold last year, indicating a small but growing commitment to electrification.
  • Strategic Goal Set by Subaru: By 2030, Subaru plans for an ambitious target of reaching around a 50% electric vehicle (EV) sales share or roughly 60,000 unit sales.
  • Partnership Advantages: The alliance with Toyota will allow Subaru access to the latter's established networks and resources for EV development and production.
  • Industry Context: With other automakers achieving much higher sales of EVs, this strategic move highlights Subarus aim to significantly boost its EV offerings over the coming years.
Electric Vehicles

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