Tesla Is About to Remove Steering Wheel Nag With New Full Self Driving Update

Tesla is planning to remove the steering wheel nag, which alerts drivers to apply torque on the steering wheel, with...
Electrek 2:58 pm on May 9, 2024

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Upcoming Tesla Full Self-Driving update plans to remove the steering wheel nag alert. Elon Musk confirmed the change, which aims to refine driver monitoring and reduce redundancy in warnings. This comes amid NHTSA's new investigation into similar issues and concerns about Autopilot/FSD alert effectiveness.

  • Full Self-Driving update: Tesla planning to remove steering wheel nag in FSD v12.4.
  • Driver monitoring enhancement: Use of cabin-facing cameras to monitor driver attention instead of torque alerts on the steering wheel.
  • Acknowledgement of criticisms: Redundant alerts and flaws in current camera-based systems are addressed with this update.
  • NHTSA investigation relevance: The update coincides with a new NHTSA probe into Tesla's Autopilot/FSD alert system.
  • Safety emphasis: Despite the changes, drivers are advised to keep hands on the wheel and be ready for immediate manual control.


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