Techno Economic Feasibility Of Hydrogen Storage in Hydro Dominated Countries

Scientists have investigated different techno-economic scenarios for using hydrogen storage in combination with
PV Magazine International 11:17 am on May 14, 2024

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The research from ETH Zurich explored hydrogen storage's role within Switzerland's energy system, leveraging hydropower and pumped-hydropower. Findings revealed no significant reliance on hydrogen for most conditions due to favorable interconnections with neighboring countries; however, it might be considered when transfers are limited and load shedding is high.

  • Research Institution: ETH Zurich' Switzerland's Energy Landscape: Integration of hydropower, pumped-hydropower, and potential hydrogen storage under varying conditions. Key Findings: Hydrogen storage plays a minor role in most scenarios; however, it becomes critical with constrained transfers and high costs associated with load shedding. Implication for Policy & Incentives: The study could inform renewable energy policies considering the balance between self-sufficiency and cost implications. Technological Insights: Advances in hydrogen storage technologies highlighted; however, their applicability is contingent on economic feasibility. Cross-border Energy Dynamics: Importance of international energy exchange demonstrated and its influence on the deployment of new energy sources like hydrogen.

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