Grew Energy Begins Work on 3.2 Gw Ingot Module Factory in India

PV Magazine International 11:17 am on May 14, 2024

Grew Energy initiates a 3.2 GW solar module factory in India, producing ingots, wafers, cells and high-efficiency modules. The facility is expected to boost local employment and contribute to socioeconomic development while aligning with the net-zero target by 2050.

  • Initiation of Factory: Grew Energy starts constructing a solar module factory in Jammu.
  • Capacity and Production: The facility will produce 3.2 GW of modules & ingots, wafers, cells per year.
  • Socioeconomic Impact: Expected to drive positive changes, empowering communities with skill development and job opportunities.
  • Government Support: The government has shown support for Grew Energy's vision.
  • Future Goals: By 2025, Grew Energy aims to reach a total manufacturing capacity of 6 GW for solar components and cells.
Renewable policy and incentives Solar ===
  • Initiation of Factory: Grew Energy begins constructing a 3.2 GW ingot-module factory in India, Jammu & Kashmir.
  • Capacity and Production: The facility's annual output includes 2.8 GW of ingots, wafers, cells, and 3.2 GW of high-efficiency PV modules.
  • Socioeconomic Impact: Plans to empower communities through employment and skills training in the solar sector.
  • Government Support & Incentives: Backed by Indian government policies, aiming to meet net-zero targets with this investment.
  • Future Goals and Scalability: Targets 6 GW manufacturing capacity for both modules and solar components by fiscal year 2025.
Solar**Explanation:** The given text highlights the construction of a large-scale solar module factory, its production capacities, economic impacts on local communities, government backing, future expansion plans, and how it contributes to renewable energy goals in India. All these elements fall under the broader category of Solar power initiatives rather than other renewables or specific technologies such as Biomass or Electric Vehicles etc. Hence, the most suitable categories are 'Renewable policy and incentives' due to government support for clean energy projects and 'Solar,' considering the factory's focus on solar PV modules production.

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