Tackling Deforestation Risk in Financial Portfolios

Greenbiz 6:44 am on May 15, 2024

The text discusses the Accountability Framework initiative, which helps financial institutions manage deforestation risks by setting strong no-deforestation policies and engaging with companies in their portfolios. It emphasizes assessing exposure, managing risk through partnerships, and reporting progress annually for broader sustainability goals amid increasing regulatory demands.

  • Accountability Framework initiative: Provides guidance to financial institutions on tackling deforestation.
  • Policy Setting: Financial entities are encouraged to establish robust no-deforestation policies for portfolio management.
  • Engagement and Assessment: Institutions must assess exposure, manage risks with clients, and promote transparency through annual reporting.
  • Combating Deforestation Risks: Addressing deforestation is vital to mitigate environmental impacts and align with sustainable development goals.
  • Increased Disclosure Requirements: Financial institutions face growing expectations for mandatory reporting on their actions towards no-deforestation policies.


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