Energy Savings Assistance Program Working Group Meeting Scheduled

Solar Energy News 6:45 am on May 15, 2024

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The U.S. has seen a significant rise in solar capacity, adding 179 GW of installed power, enough to run nearly 33 million homes, with an annual increase rate of about 51%. This surge translates into an eight-fold production boost compared to 2014. Solar energy now dominates grid additions over the last four years more than any other generation source.

  • U.S. solar capacity growth: A record high addition of 32 GW in 2023, a 51% year-over-year increase.
  • Installations impact: Solar now provides enough power for about 33 million homes with an overall capacity nearing 179 GW.
  • Solar vs. other energy sources: Surpassed all grid additions in the past four years, leading to a significant shift towards solar.
  • Government policy role: Unspecified but implied through substantial growth and technological advancements.

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