Tcl Zhonghuan Reveals Plans to Acquire Majority Stake in Maxeon

Chinese wafer manufacturer TCL Zhonghuan says it wants to invest around $197Chinese wafer manufacturer TCL Zhonghuan says it wants to invest around $197.
PV Magazine International 1:09 am on June 3, 2024

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** TCL Zhonghuan is set to acquire a majority stake in Maxeon, increasing its share from 22.39% to at least 50.1%, using up to $197.5 million through convertible bonds and equity investments amid solar industry volatility.

  • TCL Zhonghuan Acquisition
  • Stake Increase to Majority Holding (50.1%)
  • Financial Commitment ($197.5 million)
  • Convertible Bonds & Equity Issuance
  • Strategic Positioning Amid Solar Market Volatility

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