Southern Power Expands Millers Branch Solar Facility in Texas

Southern Power is set to expand its 29th solar project, Millers Branch Solar Facility located in Haskell County, TexasSouthern Power is set to expand its 29th solar project, Millers Branch Solar Facility located in Haskell County, Texas.
Solar Industry 12:07 am on May 23, 2024

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** Southern Power announces an expansion of its 29th solar project, Millers Branch Solar Facility in Texas, adding 180 MW to the existing Phase I's 200 MW. CIS, Juniper Network, and other corporates have signed PPAs for this development.

  • Southern Power Expansion:
  • Millers Branch Solar Facility Phase II addition of 180 MW.
  • Phase I and II expected to achieve commercial operation in 2026 & 2026, respectively.
  • Partnerships with CIS, Juniper Network, etc., for PPAs at Phase II.
  • Supporting companies' sustainability objectives through this renewable energy project.
Category: Solar **Renewable Policy and Incentives:** Southern Power has entered into Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for Phase II of the Millers Branch Solar Facility. This represents a commitment to renewable energy development, contributing towards sustainability goals through corporate partnerships.

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