How Much Insanity Will Americans Tolerate 12:07 am on May 23, 2024

In 2024, despite Trump's baseless election claims of imminent danger, he lost the presidency by around 7 million votes. The author notes this alongside indictments on various charges and reflects on the US electoral system. Craig Shields is an energy expert with experience in renewable technologies such as biomass, geothermal, hydro, wind, and solar power.

  • Author Reflection: Trump's unfounded claims about election threats alongside substantial legal indictments.
  • Voter Discrepancy: Despite the vote margin in 2024, Trump's electoral loss mirrored past close races.
  • Craig Shields Profile: Renowned energy expert specializing in multiple renewable technologies.
  • Indictments Mentioned: Four jurisdictions involved in the Trump indictment process.
  • US Electoral System Commentary: The author muses on American electability despite perceived national character flaws.
Category Assignment: 1. Renewable policy and incentives 2. Biomass (due to the mention of biomass expertise)

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