South Korea Plans 120 Gw Space Solar Project

Two Korean research institutes are designing the 2.2 km Ã- 2.7 km Korean Space Solar Power Satellite project with the aim of providing approximately 1 TWh of electricity to the Earth per year. The proposed system should use 4,000 sub-solar arrays of 10 m Ã- 270 m, made out of thin film roll-out, with a system power efficiency of 13.5%.
PV Magazine International 4:52 pm on April 23, 2024

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The Korean Advanced Research Institute (KARI) is working on developing a Space Solar Power System (SSPS), with goals set for a LEO Space Solar Power Test Satellite by 2040 and a GEO SSPS by 2050. A pilot system aimed at validating power transmission capabilities is planned for the 2020s using two small satellites, one serving as a power transmitter and the other as a receiver. Despite limitations in transmitting power over large distances, advancements are being made to increase efficiency and ensure the success of this ambitious project.

  • KARI aims to develop a LEO Space Solar Power Test Satellite by 2040 and a GEO SSPS by 2050.
  • A pilot system is planned for the 2020s, using two small satellites for power transmission and reception.
  • Limitations in transmitting power over large distances are being addressed with advancements to increase efficiency.
  • The project's success is crucial for justifying the development of SSPS and space exploration.
  • Future applications include powering lunar bases, satellite communication, and other space applications.

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