Coupling Heat Pumps With Roll Bonded Photovoltac Thermal Collectors

Researchers in Sweden have analyzed how roll-bonded PVT collectors can act as secondary heat sources in ground-source heat pumps and have found they provide a better performance than conventional PVT panels. Their techno-economic analysis also showed roll-bonded PVT systems can be up to 9% more expensive than conventional installations based on sheet and tube absorbers.
PV Magazine International 4:52 pm on April 23, 2024

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Researchers at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden have analyzed the optimal system design for coupling a ground-source heat pump (GSHP) with photovoltaic-thermal (PVT) energy using roll-bonded PVT collectors. The team found these collectors provide better performance than conventional ones but are 9% more expensive. Roll-bonded PVT collectors have a higher heat transfer coefficient due to their embedded channels between two rolled aluminum sheets but also have larger pressure drops.

  • Researchers at KTH Royal Institute of Technology analyzed system design for coupling GSHP with PVT using roll-bonded collectors
  • Roll-bonded collectors provide better performance than conventional ones but are 9% more expensive
  • Roll-bonded collectors have higher heat transfer coefficient due to embedded channels between two rolled aluminum sheets
  • Drawback is larger pressure drops
  • Team tested roll-bonded collectors at fluid temperatures below ambient in combination with a GSHP under various operating conditions
This text falls under the Solar category.

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