Solar Panels for Large Scale Pv Selling for 0.10/w in Spain

Spanish developer Solaria says it bought 435 MW of solar modules from an undisclosed supplier for €0.917 ($0.99)/WSpanish developer Solaria says it bought 435 MW of solar modules from an undisclosed supplier for €0.917 ($0.99)/W.
PV Magazine International 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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A pv magazine article highlights Solaria, a solar PV developer, purchasing 435 MW of modules for Spain's largest-ever solar project at $0.917/W from an undisclosed manufacturer. This price represents a significant improvement over previous costs and includes transportation fees within the DDP incoterm agreement.

  • Solar PV Developer: Solaria has secured 435 MW of solar modules for its major Spanish project.
  • Purchase Price: The undisclosed manufacturer sold the solar panels at $0.917/W, a notable reduction from previous years' prices.
  • Delivery Terms: Solaria agreed to buy under the DDP incoterm, encompassing all transportation and delivery costs.
  • Industry Impact: The deal is claimed as the best solar module purchase in the developer's history, indicating a positive shift for large-scale PV project pricing.
  • Transportation Fee: Solaria acknowledges that transportation fees are included in this agreement, influencing the overall cost per watt.

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