Hercules Machinery Debuts Remote Controlled Solar Pile Driver

Hercules Machinery Corporation (HMC), a construction machinery company, launched its latest product, the STR20-RC, a
Solar Power World 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Hercules Machinery Corporation (HMC) launched the STR20-R, a remote-controlled solar pile driver for enhanced safety and productivity in solar farm construction. The STR20-RC can drive piles up to 24 ft deep, suitable for worldwide deployment. Designed with precision engineering, it improves the standards of solar farm construction and aligns with global sustainability goals.

  • Remote Operation: The STR20-RC is controlled remotely, enhancing safety and operational efficiency.
  • Depth Capabilities: It can drive solar piles to depths of up to 24 ft with a 5 ft extension for optimal stability.
  • Precision Engineering: Built with precision engineering, it raises construction standards and sustainability.
  • Global Market Access: Available worldwide, catering to solar projects across various regions.
  • Innovative Approach: A testament to Hercules Machinery's commitment to innovation and excellence in the construction of solar farms.


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