Solar Modules Deployed in France in 1992 Still Provide 75.9% Of Original Output Power

New testing conducted at France's oldest PV system have shown that its solar modules can still provide performance
PV Magazine International 2:17 pm on June 7, 2024

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In 1992, France deployed solar modules still provide 75.9% of their original power after 31 years, surpassing the promised performance degradation rate of less than 26%. A study conducted by Hespul tested dismantled panels to compare current output with initial values against manufacturers' promises.

  • Study Conducted: Hespul in France carried out a test on decommissioned 1992 solar modules, revealing high performance longevity.
  • Initial Promised Performance: Panels were expected to maintain less than 26% output drop over 25 years.
  • Actual Outcome: Modules showed an average of 79.5% power after 31 years, exceeding the promised performance rate.
  • Performance Degradation Rate Over Time: Annual decline was found to be 0.66% over three decades and 0.42% for panels from a recent study.

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