I Drove the Next Gen R1s/r1t and Rivian Is Getting Better at Making Electric Vehicles

I drove the next-generation R1S and R1T electric vehicles from Rivian, and my main takeaway is that the company is...
Electrek 2:17 pm on June 7, 2024

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The next-generation Rivian R1s and Teslas offer improved software, seating comfort, entertainment features like Chromecast compatibility, and a smoother driving experience. The enhanced autonomy suite with 11 cameras provides significant advancements over its predecessor while maintaining weight balance and dynamic performance. Rivian's partnership with Nvidia enhances the onboard computer capabilities for data handling from sensors.

  • Improved user experience with next-generation R1Ts
  • Enhanced autonomy features using advanced sensor technology
  • Stronger partnership with Nvidia bolstering in-car computing power
  • Competitive advantages in electric vehicle design and capabilities


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