Solaredges Annual Sustainability Report Highlights 40m Metric Tons Of Co2e Avoided Annually Through Usage Of Its Solar Solutions

SolarEdge's Annual Sustainability Report Highlights 40M Metric Tons of C02 avoided annually through usage of solar
CleanTechnica 6:01 pm on May 21, 2024

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The SolarEdge Annual Sustainability Report highlights the company's role in reducing CO2 emissions by 40 million metric tons annually through its solar products. The report emphasizes the environmental benefits of solar energy use, released on May 2, 2 Market Press Release, with no prior comments.

  • CO2 Reduction: Annual CO2e emissions reduced by 40M metric tons.
  • Product Impact: Solar solutions are the driving force behind this environmental achievement.
  • Release Date: The information was released on May 2, 2024.
  • Company Commitment: Emphasizes SolarEdge's dedication to sustainability and renewable energy solutions.
  • Press Availability: The report was available as a market press release with no preceding comments.

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