How Renewables Could Beat Natural Gas in Us Generating Capacity Within 3 Years in Numbers

US renewables' electrical generating capacity could be close to - and may even surpass - natural gas within 3 years,
Electrek 4:54 pm on May 21, 2024

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The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) projects that solar's share of US utility-scale generating capacity will nearly double by April 2024, exceeding coal and wind. This is based on conservative estimates of future solar installations, with actual growth rates surpassing these predictions.

  • Projected Growth: FERC's conservative projection has been exceeded by the actual installations of 4.48 MW in three years.
  • Future Projection: By April 2024, solar is expected to account for 14.16% of US utility-scale installed capacity.
  • Compared to Other Renewables: Solar may soon surpass other renewable sources in total generation capacity.
  • Inclusion of Rooftop and Utility-Scale Capacity
  • Energy Sag Services

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