Skanska Is About to Transform a Brooklyn Marine Terminal Into a Major Offshore Wind Hub

Skanska has been awarded a contract to turn the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal into one of the US's largest offshore
Electrek 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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Skanska, a construction company, has been awarded a contract to transform the South Brooklyn Marine Terminal into a major offshore wind hub. The project will support Equinor's 2.1 GW Empire Wind project off the New York coast and feature new crane pads, waterfront upgrades, an operations building, and underground utility installations. The terminal is designed to serve as a central hub for future East Coast offshore wind developments.

  • Skanska awarded contract to transform South Brooklyn Marine Terminal into major offshore wind hub
  • Project includes building demolition, ground improvements, waterfront upgrades, and new operations building
  • Designated as operational and maintenance hub for Empire Wind project and future offshore wind developments
  • Supports Equinor's 2.1 GW Empire Wind project off New York coast
  • Serves as a central hub for future East Coast offshore wind developments

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