Six Key Takeaways from the 14th Irena Assembly

Latest News 12:34 pm on April 25, 2024

IRENA's 14th Assembly focused on accelerating Africa's energy transition by prioritizing youth involvement, expanding energy infrastructure, and creating African-led partnerships. Key topics included de-risking renewable energy projects through innovative financing tools and national plans tailored to specific needs in the APRA collaborative platform. The need for affordable financing was emphasized to make energy accessible.

  • Prioritizing youth involvement and hands-on learning in budgeting for apprenticeships
  • Expanding and modernizing energy infrastructure for renewable integration and green hydrogen development
  • Creating African-led partnerships through the Accelerated Partnership for Renewables in Africa (APRA)
  • De-risking supply chains, enabling policies, and mobilizing capital for renewable energy projects
  • Enhancing project bankability through innovative financing tools, political stability, and technological maturity
The text falls into the category of Renewable policy and incentives.

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