Chemitek Solar Panel Cleaning Agents Confirmed As Safe for Use on Floating Pv

Cleaning solutions company Chemitek Solar has revealed the results of an ecotoxicity study on its Solar Wash Protect
Solar Power World 5:46 am on May 5, 2024

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Chemitek Solar announced the results of an ecotoxicity study confirming the safety of its Solar Wash Protect (SWP) and Water Softening Agent (WSA) for use in cleaning floating Photovoltaic (FPV) systems. The study, conducted by Centre for Waste Valorization (CVR), revealed that SWP requires a minimal water column under the module, while WSA needs even less. FPV maintenance is challenging due to bird presence and their droppings, making cleaning more difficult. Chemitek Solar's solutions simplify and speed up the cleaning process, reducing operational costs and increasing plant performance.

  • Chemitek Solar confirmed the safety of Solar Wash Protect (SWP) and Water Softening Agent (WSA) for use in FPV systems through an ecotoxicity study
  • SWP needs only a 6 cm (2.36 in.) water column under the module, while WSA requires just 1 mm (0.04 in)
  • Birds using FPV modules as havens increase operational costs due to difficult cleaning processes
  • Chemitek Solar's solutions make cleaning easier and faster, reducing O&M costs and increasing performance
  • Confirmation of the safety of these chemicals for use in the aquatic environment contributes to the overall sustainability of FPV systems

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