Photovoltaics for Evaporative Cooling Greenhouses

PV Magazine International 11:24 am on May 22, 2024

A team of researchers from Abdou Moumouni University has proposed a solar-powered evaporative cooling greenhouse (ECG) in Niger's Sahel region, using locally made wet pads and photovoltaic panels. The setup showed superior performance over conventional systems due to higher outlet temperatures and lower cost-to-efficiency ratios.

  • Research Team: Abdou Moumouni University, Niger.
  • Innovative Solution: Photovoltaic (PV) powered ECG using locally made pads.
  • Performance Comparison: HF-pads outperform C-pads in cooling efficiency and cost-to-efficiency ratio.
  • Benefits: Lower temperature maintenance, higher moisture rate under harsh conditions.
  • Future Scaling Potential: Optimization of HF-pad design and scaling up for industrial application.

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