Epfl Unveils Perovskite Silicon Tandem Solar Cell With Certified Efficiency Of 30.9

%The tandem solar cell is based on a perovskite top cell treated with an additive known as
%PV Magazine International 11:24 am on May 22, 2024

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EPFL has revealed a perovskite-silicon tandem solar cell with 30.9% efficiency, achieved through pFBPA treatment in the top perovskite layer and ITO/SiO2 nanoparticles integration for effective passivation and charge transport. This tandem device integrates bottom heterojunction silicon technology on a monocrystalline wafer substrate using an inverted structure, common in high-efficiency pervoskite-silicon cells today.

  • Highly Efficient Perovskite-Silicon Tandem Solar Cell Unveiled by EPFL
  • Perovskite layer passivated with pFBPA, Silicon integration on monocrystalline wafer for optimal performance.
  • Inverted structure employed, common in high efficiency cells
  • Certified Efficiency of 30.9% by Independent Third-Party Entity
  • Enhanced Wettability and Charge Transport Through SiO2-Nanoparticles in HTL


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