Payment Plans Key for Solar Water Pumping in Sub Saharan Africa

If solar-powered irrigation pumps can be rolled out in a responsible manner at scale, the impact on agriculture in
PV Magazine International 2:58 pm on May 9, 2024

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The text highlights SunCulture's efforts to address challenges in solar-powered irrigation. It emphasizes the importance of commissioning schemes, flexible payment plans tailored to customer needs with credit checks and proprietary algorithms, maintaining pump longevity through after-sales service by relationship managers, IoT technology for remote maintenance, leveraging abundant sunlight as a fuel source over diesel, raising significant capital for expansion, and commitment to delivering immediate solutions to farmers.

  • Commission Schemes: To incentivize sales agents and ensure accountability.
  • Flexible Payments: Customized plans with credit assessments to suit diverse customer needs.
  • After-Sales Service: Specialists provide support, monitoring, and early intervention for concerns.
  • IoT Maintenance: Remote oversight enhances pump performance management.
  • Sustainable Energy Source: Solar-powered systems outperform diesel counterparts due to fewer moving parts and sunlight accessibility.

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