Open Homes Australia Season 7 Episode 4: Rec Alpha Pure Rx Solar Panels Powering a Compact Victorian Home

Saturday's episode of Open Homes Australia took us to Jesse Raeburn's home where we saw REC Alpha Pure-RX solar panels
Energy Matters 12:26 am on June 3, 2024

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Alpha Pure-RX solar panels by REC offer high efficiency, utilizing HJT technology for power maximization. With their compact design and zero toxin output, these panels are perfect for limited spaces and environmentally friendly options. Manufactured in Singapore with strict quality standards, they provide a sustainable energy solution that promises long-term benefits including solar battery storage integration.

  • Alpha Pure-RX: HJT technology enhances efficiency
  • Compact design suitable for limited roof space
  • Zero toxin production, environmentally friendly
  • High quality standards and global manufacturing in Singapore
  • Long-term power delivery with solar battery storage options

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