Clrs Celebrates New Housing for People With Disabilities With Donated Solar Systems

Community Living & Respite Services (CLRS) completes its fifth "Opening Doors Project," providing
Energy Matters 12:26 am on June 3, 2024

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The GoodWe Group has partnered with AWM Echuca to donate solar systems for new homes built by CLRS, a non-profit providing disability housing in Victoria. This collaboration includes solar panels from Jink and installation services from Ryan Moorhouse of RGM Electrical, aiming to foster independence among residents through sustainable energy solutions.

  • Non-Profit Collaboration: GoodWe donates solar systems for CLRS homes in Victoria.
  • Solar System Donors: AWM Echuca, Jink Solar panels and Ryan Moorhouse of RGM Electrical contribute to the project.
  • Project Goal: Enhance resident independence via sustainable energy in disability housing.
  • Location: Echuca, Victoria, Australia.
  • Solar Systems Included: Solar panels and associated electrical installation services offered by GoodWe Group partners.

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