On Australias Climate and Extinction Crises, the Major Parties Both Have Questions to Answer Present Tense

The Coalition has no climate policyThe Coalition has no climate policy.
The Guardian Renewable Energy 11:49 pm on May 27, 2024

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Adam Morton questions Australias climate crisis response, criticizing the government's gas strategy that sees gas as both cause and solution. The article highlights the environment's neglect in politics despite a state of the environment report revealing dire circumstances for nature and species threatened by extinction. Both political parties have failed to act decisively on environmental legislation.

  • Gas strategy debate: Gas is viewed as both an issue and part of the solution, raising concerns about government intervention.
  • State of environment report: Revealed a deteriorating natural health with species facing extinction.
  • Political inaction on environmental law: Promised but delayed national EPA and nature protection funding, raising questions about priorities.
  • Climate crisis threat to humanity: WEF report cites degradation as a potential societal collapse catalyst.
  • Call for serious action: The article posits what Australians are willing to lose before taking the climate and extinction crises seriously.


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