I Just Swapped a Tesla Model 3 for a Model Y and Elon Musk's Brutal Layoffs Ruined the Experience

I turned in a Model 3 and leased a Model Y, and I learned firsthand how badly Tesla's layoffs have affected morale and
Electrek 11:49 pm on May 27, 2024

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The Tesla customer shared their experience of purchasing a Model 3 or Y amid layoffs at the company, describing it as an effort to support the brand despite stressful circumstances. Elon Musk retweeted this story after noting increased interest in buying electric cars post-layoffs. The employee emphasized ongoing struggles within Tesla's operations and staff morale due to layoffs affecting the company's culture, service quality, and leadership image.

  • Tesla Layoff Impact
  • Customer Experience Under Strain
  • Employee Morale Decline
  • Quality Assurance Challenges
  • CEO Image and Employee Treatment Concerns


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