Novel Attempt to Design Solar Cell Based on Chalcogenide Perovskite Delivers 13.86% Efficiency

Scientists in South Africa have proposed a new chalcogenide perovskite solar cell design based on a compound known as
PV Magazine International 5:54 pm on May 29, 2024

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The University of Fort Hare researchers proposed a chalcogenide perovskite solar cell utilizing barium zirconium sulfide (BaZrS3) as an absorber material. It displayed superior thermal stability and power conversion efficiency, achieving 13.86%. The study also highlighted the potential of gold (Au), tin oxide (FTO), and platinum (Pt), palladium (Pd), and nickel (Ni) as affordable alternative hole transport materials.

  • BaZrS3-based chalcogenide perovskite solar cells:
  • University of Fort Hare's research on barium zirconium sulfide (BaZrS3) as a novel absorber material in solar cells.
  • Superior thermal stability and power conversion efficiency exceeding 13.86%.
  • Gold, tin oxide, platinum, palladium, and nickel identified as cost-effective alternative hole transport materials.
  • Potential to enhance clean energy productivity with the incorporation of BaZrS3 technology.
  • Comparative analysis with existing solar cell technologies for advancements in solar power generation.
Category: Solar

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