High Import Duties Affecting Solar Deployment in Bangladesh

Analysts at a recent event in Dhaka called for the removal of high import duties on solar products in Bangladesh, as it
PV Magazine International 5:54 pm on May 29, 2024

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The Bangladeshi government imposes high import duties (26.2% on solar panels, 37% on inverters and 58.6% on mounting structures) that significantly increase the cost of solar deployment. Analysts call for duty reductions to stimulate growth across commercial & industrial PV markets as well as residential use, especially where solar irrigation is involved, noting a potential cut in system costs by 10-11%. This comes after a drop in global solar prices that had partially offset duties' impact.

  • Government Duties:
  • High import duties on essential solar components affecting cost and growth.
  • Analysts advocate for duty reductions to spur industry expansion across sectors, particularly residential.
  • Potential significant cut in system costs could encourage more investment in solar irrigation technology.
  • Previous global price drops have partially mitigated the effect of high duties on solar deployment costs.


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