Nexamp Launches Fellowship Program to Bring Renewable Jobs to Underserved Chicagoans

Nexamp has just launched a new fellowship program in partnership with the City Colleges of Chicago.
Solar Power World 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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Nexamp, a renewable energy company, has launched a fellowship program in partnership with City Colleges of Chicago to provide training and job opportunities in the renewable sector for underserved populations. The eight-week program includes classroom instruction and on-the-job experience across various roles such as solar technology, construction, project management, and more. Here are the key points:

  • Nexamp and City Colleges of Chicago collaborate on a fellowship program for underserved populations in renewable energy.
  • The eight-week program combines classroom instruction and on-the-job training across various roles, including solar technology, construction, and project management.
  • Participants will receive real-world experience and industry connections to help launch their careers.
  • The initiative aims to provide equal opportunities in the growing renewable energy sector.
  • The partnership highlights the importance of education and job training programs for underrepresented communities in the green economy.

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