New Vapor Deposition Tech Could Accelerate Commercialization Of Perovskite Solar Cells

A U.S.-based team developed a vapor deposition technique to fabricate outperforming all-inorganic perovskite thin films in under 5 minutes in a continuous process. The adoption of the proposed approach may also result in higher perovskite solar cell power conversion efficiencies.
PV Magazine International 1:26 pm on April 17, 2024

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A team in the United States developed a new vapor deposition method using continuous flash sublimation (CFS) for all-inorganic perovskite absorbers, addressing the slow speed and non-continuous nature of batch processing. This technique allows for the continuous deposition of fully absorbing perovskite materials in less than five minutes. The researchers achieved high-performing solar cells, with efficiencies up to 14.3%.

  • New vapor deposition method developed: Continuous flash sublimation (CFS)
  • Addresses slow speed and non-continuous nature of batch processing
  • Allows for continuous deposition of fully absorbing perovskite materials in less than five minutes
  • High-performing solar cells achieved, with efficiencies up to 14.3%
  • Team investigating CFS method for other hard-to-deposit material classes and other types of perovskite materials

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