Disneyland Faces Pressure to Electrify Its Stinky ‘autopia’ Ride, and Quick

Disney says it will "convert from gas engines in the next few years," but activists want them to commit to going all-electric ASAP.
Electrek 3:32 am on April 19, 2024

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Disneyland is under pressure from activists to electrify its Autopia ride, which currently uses gas-powered engines. The emissions from these engines harm the health of children and employees. While Disney has stated they are evaluating technology for conversion in the next few years, there's no commitment to all-electric vehicles. Autopia is a classic ride in Tomorrowland but its use of outdated technology doesn't align with the section's vision of the future. Local EV advocates and Plug In are hosting a rally at Disney Studios in Burbank this Sunday, urging Disney to make the change sooner rather than later.

  • Disneyland under pressure to electrify Autopia ride
  • Activists want all-electric choice due to gas engine emissions
  • Autopia is a classic Tomorrowland ride but outdated technology doesn't align with future vision
  • Local EV advocates and Plug In hosting Dump the Pump rally at Disney Studios in Burbank this Sunday
  • Urging Disney to make change sooner rather than later


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