Malaysian Government Launches Incentive Scheme for Residential Solar

The Ministry of Energy Transition and Water Transformation in Malaysia is teaming up with private and public partners in
PV Magazine International 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Malaysia introduces the Solar@PETRA Initiative to boost solar energy adoption among citizens and private entities, offering subsidies through Aeon branches and BSN's zero capital model. This complements an existing government rebate scheme, aligning with Malaysia's ambitious renewable goals including a significant 2 GW solar tender last year.

  • Solar@PETRA Initiative: A collaboration to incentivize solar adoption.
  • Subsidization through Aeon and BSN: Financing options for citizens and domestic users.
  • Complementary Rebate Scheme: Works with Tenaga Nasional's program to widen access to solar schemes.
  • Significant Solar Capacity Installation: Reflecting Malaysia's growth in renewable energy, evidenced by a 2 GW tender.
  • Government Support for Renewables: Emphasizes Malaysia's commitment to expanding its solar capacity and transitioning towards sustainable power sources.
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