Kit Researchers Develop18.2% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cell Via Scalable Inkjet Process

Researchers at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have developed a scalable two-step evaporation and inkjet process
PV Magazine International 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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The KIT researchers have developed an efficient, scalable perovskite solar cell manufacturing process through a two-step inkjet and evaporative method. This technique produces high-performance cells comparable to spin coated ones. The novel approach uses organic perovskite precursor materials, achieving near perfect material yield while reducing drying effects and pinholes. Further advancements include potential integration into tandem and large area device production for improved solar cell efficiency.

  • Research breakthrough:
  • Efficiency-boosted scalable perovskite solar cells via a two-step inkjet/evaporation process.
  • Comparison of performance to traditional spin-coated methods with 18.2% efficiency.
  • Drying effects minimized and pinholes reduced through the innovative technique.
  • Potential for integration into tandem devices, large scale production, and full-size wafer silicon bottom cell manufacturing.

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