Mach Releases New Autonomous Mower for the Solar Industry

With an increased emphasis from the federal government on solar energy, the cost of mowing and property upkeep will be
Solar Power World 5:32 pm on May 23, 2024

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Kelsey Misbrener, Managing Editor of Solar Power World, highlights Mach's launch of a solar mower autonomous system. This technology offers OEM partnerships for tailored solutions in the fast-growing solar industry, aiming to reduce labor costs and improve safety. The platform integrates seamlessly with existing vehicles and can be scaled up quickly by manufacturers looking to enhance their operations within the expanding market.

  • Autonomous Solar Mowing System:
  • Mach's innovation tailored for OEM partnerships.
  • Seamless vehicle integration with existing fleets.
  • Scalable solution to meet the solar industry demands.
  • Reduces labor costs and enhances safety in solar field operations.

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