Classical Radio Station Orchestrates Construction Of 89 Kw Solar Project

KMFA Classical 89.5, a classical radio station from Austin, Texas, invested in an 89.64-kWDC rooftop solar projectKMFA Classical 89.5, a classical radio station from Austin, Texas, invested in an 89.64-kWDC rooftop solar project.
Solar Power World 5:32 pm on May 23, 2024

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Classical radio station orchestrates 89-kW solar project to reduce power costs, support sustainability and renewable energy initiatives. They've installed a 166-panel array in collaboration with Axis Solar and are offering EV charging stations for employees & guests. Expected monthly savings of 40-50% on utility bills.

  • Solar Project Implementation: Classical radio station commissioned an 89 kW solar array, anticipating significant cost reductions.
  • Partnership with Axis Solar: Collaboration to install and maintain a maximum of 166 solar panels on their rooftop.
  • EV Charging Stations: Four universal EV charging stations are included for employee use, promoting the station's eco-friendly initiatives.
  • Utility Savings and Environmental Impact: Predicted monthly savings of between $40 - $50 on utility bills while reducing carbon footprint.
  • Sustainability Commitment: Emphasizes the commitment to renewable energy sources and sustainable practices in their operations.

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