Longi Presents 24.4% Efficient 660 W Hpbc Solar Panel

Intended for applications in utility scale PV projects, the new Hi-MO 9 module is available in eight versions with power
PV Magazine International 12:09 pm on June 7, 2024

Longi presents a 24.4%-efficient 660 W HPBC solar panel, intended for utility scale PV projects with versions ranging from 625 W to 660 W power output and efficiency between 23.1% to 24.4%. New Hi-MO 9 module features double-glass design, temperature coefficients, warranties, and a second-generation BC technology combining IBC with p-type wafer advantages.

  • High Efficiency: Longi's HPBC solar panel achieves 24.4% efficiency suitable for utility-scale applications.
  • Versatile Power Output: Available versions offer power outputs ranging from 625 W to 660 W.
  • Robust Design: The Hi-MO 9 includes double-glass modules, temperature resilience, and structural advantages.
  • Warranty Protection: Offers a 12-year product warranty along with an enduring power output guarantee for the next three decades.


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