Aurora Adds Whole Home Electrification Tools to Sales Platform

Solar sales and design platform Aurora Solar is expanding into whole-home electrification and energy needsSolar sales and design platform Aurora Solar is expanding into whole-home electrification and energy needs.
Solar Power World 12:09 pm on June 7, 2024

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Kelly Pickerel reports that Aurora Solar introduces whole-home electrification tools, including energy management features and storage modeling in Sales Platform Continue to Site Solar Power World. This aligns with 10% of homeowners' intentions to pre-electrify before adopting solar power, indicating increased credibility for U.S. residential solar companies as trusted clean energy advisors.

  • Whole House Electrification Tools: Aurora Solar adds features that support homeowners' intent to integrate electricity systems before installing solar panels.
  • Energy Optimization and Storage Proposals: These tools aim to offer comprehensive energy management solutions, potentially including heat pumps, EVs, or efficiency upgrades.
  • Comprehensive Solar Offering: The new platform enhances sales propositions for solar installations by presenting a complete clean energy solution.
  • Solar Industry Growth Insights: Aurora's Snapshot reveals industry trends, such as homeowners wanting pre-electrification and the value of combining solar power with whole-home systems.

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