Italy, Spain, Portugal Break Daily Solar Generation Records

Italy, Spain and Portugal recorded their highest-ever daily PV production rates during the week of May 20, while prices
PV Magazine International 11:02 am on May 29, 2024

In May 2024, Italy, Spain, and Portugal set daily solar energy generation records with increases in grid parity. Electricity prices rose across Europe due to higher gas and CO2 costs, despite a decrease in demand from public holidays. Most major markets experienced negative electricity pricing on some days, except for the British market which saw high peak prices but not record lows.

  • <li><p>`Record-breaking solar generation in Italy, Spain, and Portugal`
  • <li><p>`Increase in European electricity prices due to higher gas and CO2 costs`
  • <li><p>`Negative electricity pricing observed across most major markets, excluding the British market`
  • <li><p>`Highest price in the Netherlands exceeding $200/MWh on May 27th`
  • <li><p>`Anticipated decline in electricity prices for France, Spain, and Portugal, while Italy is expected to see continued increases`

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