I Put Snow Tires on My Vw Id.4 This Winter Here's How It Went

I didn't put snow tires on my 2023 VW ID.4 AWD Pro S last year, but I put Bridgestone Blizzak LM005s on this yearI didn't put snow tires on my 2023 VW ID.4 AWD Pro S last year, but I put Bridgestone Blizzak LM005s on this year.
Electrek 9:23 pm on May 10, 2024

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Michelle Lewis tested Bridgestone Blizzak LM005 snow tires on her 2023 VW ID.4 AWD Pro S, reporting excellent traction and handling in winter conditions, including sleet, packed snow, ice, puddle, gravel, and inclines. She plans to use the all-season tires again this year but will consider keeping Blizzaks for future winters with her EV's heavier weight reducing wear rate.

  • Testing Bridgestone LM005 snow tires
  • Improved traction in various weather conditions on VW ID.4 AWD Pro S
  • EV's weight contributes to reduced wear rate on all-season tires
  • Consideration for keeping Blizzaks for future winter seasons
  • EnergySag service used to find solar installer and save up to 30%


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