Hesai Technology Looks to Make Next Gen Vehicles Safer and More Reliable Using Its Advanced Lidar

As passenger mobility becomes electric and more technologically advanced, engineers have developed several components to
Electrek 9:23 pm on May 10, 2024

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Hesai Technology's LiDAR advancements aid autonomous vehicles, ADA devices, and robots by providing accurate distance measurements without needing external light sources. Integration into designs like ATX headlights ensures sleekness while enhancing safety features in vehicles and robots through 3D world mapping. Hesai asserts that LiDAR works best alongside camera systems to overcome their respective limitations, thus promoting higher-level ADAS technology and safer autonomous driving experiences.

  • LiDAR Technology: Offers precise distance measurement without dependency on lighting conditions.
  • Integration into Vehicles & Robots: Enhances ADAS technology and safety through 3D environmental mapping.
  • Camera System Synergy: Complementary use of LiDAR with camera systems to tackle individual limitations.
  • Safety Advantages: Improves obstacle detection and collision avoidance in automotive applications.
  • Future Outlook: Essential for achieving the highest safety standards in autonomous driving technology.


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