Heterojunction at the Height Of Its Power

As it strives to increase performance while simultaneously reducing costs, Huasun has quickly moved from its
PV Magazine International 12:37 pm on May 9, 2024

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Huasun Solar's third-generation cells exhibit higher efficiency compared to the second generation, with 1.0% and 0.3% improvements in laboratory (La) and commercial products respectively. Featuring carrier-selective passivating contacts made of microcrystalline silicon monoxide, these cells offer enhanced passivation, selectivity, and low resistivity. Super multi busbar technology is employed, using dense networks of busbars to reduce resistance and improve shading tolerance. HJT 4.0 promises cell efficiencies between 26%-26.5%, with future plans for HJT+perovskite tandem cells reaching up to 28%. Huasun aims to produce these tandem products by 2025.

  • Third-generation Huasun Solar cells achieve higher efficiencies over second generation
  • Advanced carrier-selective passivating contacts for improved performance and low resistivity
  • Super multi busbar technology reduces resistance, enhancing overall efficiency
  • HJT 4.0 targets efficiencies of 26%-26.5%, with plans to reach up to 28% in tandem cells
  • Plans for mass production and deployment of HJT+perovskite tandem products by 2025


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