Hard Times for Dutch Solar Installers

A Dutch trade association has informed parliament about a recent wave of closures and bankruptcies in the rooftop solar
PV Magazine International 3:02 pm on June 4, 2024

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The Dutch solar industry faces challenges, with rooftop PV installers struggling due to grid fee uncertainty from energy suppliers and a lack of long-term strategy. This has led to market saturation, closures, and bankruptcies among recognized installers. The association highlighted the urgent need for government policy clarification to revive consumer confidence in investing in solar PV systems.

  • Sector: Solar energy industry
  • Key Challenge: Uncertainty over grid fees and lack of long-term policy strategy affecting the Dutch solar industry.
  • Impact on Market: Increased closures, bankruptcies among recognized installers due to market saturation.
  • Government Role: Immediate need for clear government policies to restore consumer confidence in solar investments.


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