Gcl Tech, Mubadala to Open Polysilicon Factory in Uae

Chinese polysilicon maker GCL Tech says it is partnering with Emirati state-owned Mubadala Investment CoChinese polysilicon maker GCL Tech says it is partnering with Emirati state-owned Mubadala Investment Co.
PV Magazine International 3:02 pm on June 4, 2024

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GCL Tech and Mubadala Investment Co. plan to establish UAE's first polysilicon factory, partnering for solar industry supply chain enhancement. No exact location disclosed but significant production capacity details provided, along with potential collaboration progress.

  • GCL Tech partnership announcement
  • UAE's inaugural polysilicon factory in Middle East
  • Detailed ingot and wafer capacity of GCL Tech disclosed
  • Future collaboration potential with Mubadala Investment Co.


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