German Pv System Prices Down by Over 4% Since November

The Selfmade Energy online platform says that prices for PV systems and battery storage systems fell by more than 4
PV Magazine International 3:46 pm on May 14, 2024

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The Selfmade Energy platform reported that PV system prices declined by over 4% from November to March 2024, with notable variances across regions. Battery storage price increase followed a similar trend in early 2024 but fell significantly later on. The drop is attributed to falling module prices and market hesitancy for purchases.

  • PV System Pricing:
  • Price decrease of over 4% (Nov-Mar 2024)
  • Regional pricing variations noted
  • Battery storage prices rise initially, followed by a significant drop in March 2024
  • Module price decline contributing to the overall reduction in PV system costs
  • Market hesitancy observed due to anticipation of further price drops
Category 1: Solar Energy Category 2: Renewable Policy and Incentives

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